Our Sub-processors

Welcome to Future Ticketing’s subprocessor page where we maintain a current list of subprocessors authorized to process customer data for Future Ticketing services. Future Ticketing imposes data protection terms with each subprocessor regarding their security controls and applicable regulations for the protection of personal data.

  1. Amazon Web Services
  2. Stripe
  3. Serve Calls

There are other systems/data processors that have integrated with the Future Ticketing system but are not required to use the system. While we ensure that these processors are up to date with their security controls and applicable regulations at the time of integration it is the clients responsilbity to ensure their relationship is maintained when using the external services.

  1. AIB Merchant Services
  2. Realex Payments
  3. Sagepay
  4. Worldnet
  5. Credit Call
  6. Mailchimp
  7. Two Circles
  8. Serve Calls