Oakfield Park

“Future Ticketing makes The Santa Express event a very smooth process. Using time slots and capacities on time slots ensures everyone gets to visit Santa without having to wait or queue. The use of extra fields also allows parents to submit their child’s name in advance making that visit to Santa extra special. Oakfield Park is very appreciative of this system for pre-booking and reporting as it makes our lives a lot easier with 20,000 people coming through the gates.”

David Fisher, Estate Manager, Oakfield Park

Oakfield Park runs seasonal events around Valentines Day, Halloween and their popular Santa Experience around Christmastime, as well as three-day music festival Oakfest and their regular annual yearly passes.

Since 2018, Future Ticketing as managed the ticketing for this variety of events.

The Santa Experience sees approximately 20,000 visitors per year and the team at Oakfield needed a ticketing system that allowed for:

  • Flexibility around booking individual time-slots which helped manage capacity and minimised any queuing for parent and children
  • Additional information to be collected at booking time, such as the child’s name or favourite movie, to brief Santa to make an unforgettable experience

Ready to make the move?

Moving to a new ticketing system may seem daunting. We’ll take care of everything so don’t worry about that. Take a quick look at what’s involved with moving from your current system to Future Ticketing.